Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Broken Dolls...

A few hours ago, this girl messaged me calling me "perfect" "beautiful" and so on. I thanked her and complimented her back but she denied it all and started calling herself ugly. (I'm sure many of us have gone through this.) That's when I thought she was only fishing for compliments. But as I talked to her more, she opened up a bit and told me how she'd been bullied and eventually began cutting herself and she became bulimic. I tried telling her that she really was beautiful but of course she said she wasn't. I felt bad because I was telling her the truth. She is seriously one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. But her self-esteem seemed non-existent. This got me thinking... There are so many people out there with very little self-esteem. Especially girls in their teens. I was once there myself. (still kinda am actually...) It's bullshit. And it upsets me quite a bit. Everyday I see girls getting harassed on social networks, being called fat, ugly, dumb... the list goes on. Why? Why do people do this? What does it accomplish? Does it really make them feel better about themselves? I hate how easy it is to bring someone down and how difficult it is to bring them back up where they should be.

This sucks... I want to change it....
I wish I knew how.

I don't believe in perfection. At least not a physical form of it. Everyone is unique. We can't just put up pictures of photoshopped models everywhere and tell people that's what they should look like. Fuck the media! Girls don't need to be sickly thin, with long hair, high cheek bones, long lashes and colored eyes to be  beautiful. We all have flaws. Flaws that should be embraced. It's what makes each and every one of us unique. People shouldn't have to feel the need to copy something they see on a piece of paper or a screen. We're all beautiful. You're beautiful. Even if you don't see it in yourself, there is always someone who does. We all shine in the eyes of someone special.
Because we're all stars.
And we all shine bright.

Damn... I should follow my own advice....

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